High Plains Healing and Wellness

Rianne Juarez

Kiowa, CO

I started High Plains Healing & Wellness in October of 2018, with the goal of helping equine athletes in my area. Low and behold, this little “equine therapy gig” turned into an all specials wellness passion! My business grew from horses, to cattle, to show cattle/hogs/sheep, to people and pets of all kinds and sizes.
I started off with the Pulse Pro and have since added the Sol and NovaHD from Aura Wellness. In addition to PEMF, I also offer BrainTap, Oasis Vibration, LZR UltraBright Red Light therapy, and Starpool Dry Float Therapy.
Wellness services are available for people, pets, equine and livestock of all kinds. I have a wellness spa located on the south side of the Tractor Supply parking lot, in Shenandoah, IA. I also travel to barns and ranches for livestock sessions.